I grew up too damn fast.
(That was my original one line post. After hearing the disappointment in Traci's voice, I decided I better update everyone on what's going on out here in big ol' California.)
Most importantly, I should update everyone on my job status (since you probably won't weed through all of this anyway). I've been hired full time by Alcoa. Yay! I'm not an intern anymore. (This is why I grew up too fast. I'm not used to doing all these grown up things quite yet.)
So now what I've been up to...
July has been a crazy month. I've been everywhere whether it's Michigan to be in a wedding, or Cleveland for training, moving into a new apartment, hosting Matt's visit, and working three weeks in Newbury Park (a new aquistion to Alcoa Fastening Systems... I'm helping prep for an audit). Here goes everything:
Work is well. I was just getting used to when...
July 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th:
I first flew into Chicago, where I rented a car, drove an hour West to pick up the boyfriend, and then made the long haul up North to the old hometown where my long lost best friend got married. To me it was literally this: Jump out of the rental car, tell my mom hi and life is good, put a dress on, watch the wedding, get Matt back to Illinois so I can catch my flight out of Chicago.
I spent the next three days in our Fullerton Alcoa Fastening Systems plant attending a HAZWOPER training. (That's HAZardous Waste OPerations and Emergency Response).
Thursday and Friday are important days to remember - I worked in my plant in Torrance those two days.
Still with me?...
Sunday, the 19th through Friday, the 24th I was in Cleveland. All of the college graduates/interns met for a week-long training with some big names in the company. It. Was. AWESOME.
It's going to get tougher to follow...
So, that same Friday, the 24th, I'm flying from Cleveland to LA, while Matt is
also flying from Chicago to LA where we will meet.
Saturday we move into my new apartment. We make a run to the beach while we can (the poor kid, it was the only chance we had to go... )
Sunday we drive. Up North to Newbury Park where I've been working. They put us up in a hotel and bought us some food.
Last weekend, we're on August 1st now, we got to go to a Journey concert. Lawn seats (wooo!). Easily the best date I've ever been on. It was an all day kind of date, too. We had to leave to start driving around noon to get to the amphitheater on time. Night Ranger opened, it was so cheesy. A drunk lady sitting on the lawn in front of us was so into the music she kept rocking back and hitting her head on our feet... dumb woman...
So finally, the past week. I dropped Matt off at the airport Wednesday.
I'll be finally spending time in my new apartment on Saturday and will try to get some pictures.
I'm still alive.
Hope this is better than the one-liner.
Remember those two days in Torrance? I haven't been there since. In the past month, I've barely worked two days in my own plant... =(
I have to go now. It's time for bed. I volunteered to work on a Saturday because someone said something like, "I guess
interns don't work on Saturday's." I'm not about to let that one slide.