
Friday, September 12, 2008

I Made a Bet

Anyone ever make a bet and start to wonder why after a while? Well here's my story...

Jordan will never try any of my food so in a desperate attempt to have Kevin try my chai latte yesterday, I made a bet that I'd try something of his. Now, if you've never had a chai (dad), it's made up of a spiced tea concentrate, it tastes kind of like pumpkin pie and cinnamon, and milk (in my case I like it with vanilla soy milk). It's like a dessert more than a drink.

Note to self: Never make bets with someone who enjoys 1. Entering the marines 2. Eating hot foods.

The deal was a sip of chai for a habanero pepper. I had the pepper confused at the time with the little yellow peppers he bought the same day. I clarified very quickly when he pulled out the small container with the dark orange peppers in it. He at least cut it in half for me so I didn't have to suffer through a whole one.

Those seeds were the end of me. One bite into them and I was instantly in pain. I swallowed it barely chewed up just to survive. I didn't think of the repercussions. I'm just going to say it this way... I think I left my intestine in the toilet and I had to write this standing up.

What's the lesson? Jordan should try my foods more often so I'm not pushed into making stupid bets.

Anyone else ever make a stupid bet??

Here's your visual. I'm done.


jporterGOP said...

dude. those peppers are so hot that it hurts to even touch them! i bet your hands hurt afterwards too. i grew them in the garden a few years ago and never even bothered trying to eat them. i used them for salsa. half a pepper was plenty for a whole quart of salsa.

Unknown said...

I bet a guy lunch the Lions will beat the Packers this week.

Was that stupid enough?

JP said...

Pfft. Your digestive system wasn't on the line, dad.

And I was concentrating too much on how fast the ice cube in my mouth was melting to think about my hands hurting at all. It felt like I torched my entire mouth, esophagus, and stomach.

megawatt miler said...

i only use them for salsa too. people have them on a desk at work all summer and eat them raw during the day-i always refuse to participate b/c they are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Silly, silly girl.

carriegel said...

i think your dad beat you with that one.

and by the way don't blame others for your poor choice, silly girl.

Unknown said...

Always drink mild with any hot foods like peppers. I'm not sure why but it is suppose to be the most soothing for a burnt out esophagus.

carriegel said...

did you mean milk? i have heard of that too.

JP said...

Ohhhh, now I get it. I drank a glass of milk right away and it didn't help. These peppers were crazy... After I had a few ice cubes I had some more milk and it was better. Bread also works.

Unknown said...

Yeah I meant milk. Sometimes my fingers don't go where they are suppose too.