
Monday, May 25, 2009

Beach, Beer, Man and His Dog...

We rode bikes down to the beach today. There are three beaches (in order from South to North): Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach. We live in Redondo (which is the least cool of the three). Hermosa Beach is known as a 'party town' (which is where we rode bikes to yesterday). Finally, Manhattan Beach is the nicer of the three and usually has better waves for surfing.

Since it's memorial day weekend there were a lot of fun tents and activities set up on the pier. There were people selling art, people selling clothes, people selling Cutco knives, people selling food, rides... And then there were people... tons and TONS of people. Here's one of my favorites (and his dog).

We also had some really good food. We bought some good walnut, chocolate chip, butterscotch cookies, some guacamole nachos (best guacamole I've ever had!! I guess it's all in the avacado), we sampled some weird kind of popcorn that was delicious, had the biggest most tasty shrimp I've ever had, a plate of nachos and a few beers.

Here are the cajun shrimp (you could have about 4 and be full):

Something about the sunshine made me want a nice, light summery beer. So we set out in search of a beer. We walked about 50 ft. and came across a "Beer and Wine Garden". How perfect.

Finally, we wound down in a sports bar, Sharkeez. This is where we had the nachos, a mint mojito and jello 'shots'.

Who would have ever thought to put your jello shot in a syringe?! That was so cool.

Well. Today looks like a normal day. I think we're all just going to wind down and enjoy our third day off. Happy Memorial Day!

I have my car and have been driving it! Boy. What a fun little car...


Unknown said...

I want those shrimp.

JP said...

I want (more of) them, too.

Anonymous said...

We were together in spirit then as we were all on bicycles.

carriegel said...

Did you miss us just a little this weekend?

JP said...

I'm really sad I missed out on the festivities. Especially Monday when I sat at home playing Rock Band 2 all day long. =(