
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A First For Me

Remember how I said my manager Marylin loves me? Well she truly does. Upon entering work yesterday she told me, "I need to talk to you." I thought it was bad news for me.

My first thoughts were, "What did I do wrong?" and "Where did I lose money?"

Since the time was never going to really be right for her to tell me, while I was ringing up a customer she finally said, "I'll just tell you right now. You know what Mallory and I do? How would you like to do that?"

(She's talking about being a cahsiers' manager.)

Without hesitation I took the offer. Ladies and gentleman, I am now a cashiers' manager. My official title is a CSS. Along with added responsibility comes a larger paycheck. Bring it on. I'm so excited for it no matter how many people tell me it's going to suck.


mickey said...

Ha ha.

I didn't mean "it'll suck" in a bad way, if that makes sense.

I loved managing. Honestly.

It was a fun job.

jporterGOP said...

I got a promotion too.

Well, I didn't really.

Just more responsibility with no extra pay.

But I got to meet Terri Lynn Land..which I haven't blogged about yet..oops.

megawatt miler said...

thats awesome-congrats!

carriegel said...

congratulations! i am sure you will do a good job.

JP said...

You weren't the only one that said it, Michael. I was actually referencing someone I work with, lol. I forgot you said it, too.